ACT Legislation Register

The bill and explanatory statement for this Act are accessed from Human Rights Commission Bill 2005.

Notification statement

The Human Rights Commission Act 2005 has been passed by the Legislative Assembly and is notified under the Legislation Act 2001.

Notified: 1 September 2005 (Parliamentary Counsel)

Act as notified

Date notified Effective Files/Formats Notes
1 September 2005 1 November 2006 View online icon HTML Download icon PDF Download icon Word


Provision Commencement date Commencement method
s 1, s 2 1 September 2005 LA s 75 (1)
remainder 1 November 2006 s 2 and CN2006-21


Expiry information is being progressively added to the Legislation Register, for a full list of expired provisions in this law see the amendment history in the endnotes in the current version of this law.

Provision Expiry date Expiry method
s 94X commences 1 August 2031 s 94X (3)
pt 8 commences 11 June 2026 s 126
s 105A 1 April 2021 (midnight) s 105A (5)


For section-by-section amendment annotations, see the amendment history in the endnotes in the current version of this law.

Amendment information is being progressively added to the Legislation Register. For a full list of legislation amending this law, see the legislation history in the endnotes in the current version of this law.

Year and number Amending law Amending provision Commencement date
A2020-14 COVID-19 Emergency Response Legislation Amendment Act 2020 sch 1 pt 1.17 14 May 2020
A2020-34 Victims Rights Legislation Amendment Act 2020 pt 2 1 January 2021
A2020-42 Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2020 pt 19 28 August 2020
A2020-48 Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2020 (No 2) sch 1 pt 1.1 3 March 2021
A2020-49 Sexuality and Gender Identity Conversion Practices Act 2020 sch 1 4 March 2021
A2020-48 Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2020 (No 2) sch 2 pt 2.1 30 January 2022
A2021-24 Operational Efficiencies (COVID-19) Legislation Amendment Act 2021 pt 9 14 October 2021
A2022-11 Domestic Violence Agencies Amendment Act 2022 sch 1 pt 1.2 17 December 2022
A2022-25 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Young People Commissioner Act 2022 sch 1 pt 1.4 15 December 2022
A2023-7 Discrimination Amendment Act 2023 sch 1 pt 1.2 11 April 2024
A2023-29 Human Rights Commission Amendment Act 2023 ss 5-17 7 January 2024
A2023-45 Justice (Age of Criminal Responsibility) Legislation Amendment Act 2023 sch 1 pt 1.6 27 March 2024
A2023-53 Human Rights (Complaints) Legislation Amendment Act 2023 pt 3 11 June 2024
A2023-57 Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2023 (No 3) pt 10, sch 1 pt 1.3 12 December 2023
A2024-22 Human Rights Commission (Child Safe Standards) Amendment Act 2024 pt 2 1 August 2024

Copyright 2001 ACT Government. All rights reserved.
Approved website under the Legislation Act 2001 (ACT).
Last updated at 4 September 2024 12:24:40 AEST